Friday, September 24, 2010

Congratulations Jim Colombo on being a September featured book by Barnes & Nobles in their General Fiction club!

Congratulations Jim Colombo! We are so proud of you over here at SBG! We love to see our authors succeed. Check out this awesome interview!



Interview with Jim Colombo author of Keys to the Vault

Welcome Jim Colombo to the board, as you know we'll be discussing his book this month starting on Tuesday here's an interview we did a while ago.


Interview with Jim Colombo


Debbie - Jim could you give us a little personal and professional background on you


Jim -  Sure. I graduated from Lewis University in 1977 with a B.A in Fine and Applied Arts /Art History. Golly that seems like a long time ago! Since then I have been working in land engineering services. I worked for companies that designed subdivisions. That is until about a year ago when the bad economy hit the housing business and I lost my job.
 I'm single, never married. I'm not sure how that happened, but there it is! I live in Joliet all of my life in the same house that my Grandfather built in 1930!


D - Is Keys to the Vault your first work of fiction

J - Yes Keys to the Vault is my first attempt to write anything at a professional level. I am really fortunate that since it was my first attempt, that it is was published and so well received by everyone who reads it.


D - Do you have something in the works now – does it star Caroline


J - Yes. I am working on something. A murder(Fictional, of course!) or an adventure of some sort. I have recently completed a story about a world renown art conservator who is also an art thief, but I think I want to polish it up just a bit more. I am also busy working on Caroline's second adventure. She has got her hands full as she investigates how the wrong painting ended up hanging on the wall in her sister Catherine's office. It leads her to uncover the cause and the villain behind who and why the nations crops are failing in the fields. I think it should be an exciting adventure and I am eager for her to tell me the rest of her story.


D - Is writing a full time job for you


J - Writing is something that I would love to turn into a full time job. It is certainly demanding enough to be one. However I do split my time between writing and trading some of the commodity markets. Both are enough to keep me busy and on my toes. They both challenge me to be at my best, which is something that I enjoy.


D - You said you like to travel, where’s the most favorite place you’ve been to – where haven’t you been that you’d like to go


J - Without a doubt my most favorite place that I have been to is Rome, Italy. I absolutely love it there. I feel at home there. The city is beautiful, the sites are fantastic, the food delicious ... and the people are some of the most friendly I've ever met. In fact it is a goal of mine to live there for an extended period of time. I think that would be a great way to take in the fullness of the city. To really understand it
As far as places that I would like to see that I have not yet made it too ... Well I can think of two. I would love to experience the Great Pyramids and temples in Egypt, and to see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City in China. These ancient temples have always fascinated me and I think that it would be wonderful to see them up close.


D - Where do your writing ideas come from, do you base your characters on people you know

J - Sometimes I'm not sure where my ideas come from. When my mind is quiet, I can hear the ideas in my mind. It is then that I need to continue to pay attention to them. I try to write them down so I can capture as much of the details as possible before my mind becomes cluttered with the noise of everyday living again.
Sometimes I do base some characters on people I know, or perhaps several people. Maybe I'll take a habit from one person and combine it with a nuance from another. This way I know that my characters are acting in a realistic manner. That their actions are based on real life people and how they would act in certain situations.


D - Was becoming an author a life-long dream or did you want to be something else when you grew up.

- When I was a youngster I grew up wanting to be a racing car driver. That was the top in my opinion, and still is actually. But sometimes life gets in the way of certain things and now I am a bit too old to compete with the youngsters. On the other hand being an author has a wonderful set of benefits that I never dreamed of. The challenges of putting the story together and explaining it just the way that I want to is first rate. The thrill of seeing my book on the bookshelf along side Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple is exhilarating. I love sharing my love for books with others who like to read them as much as I do. When I was young I never dreamed that one day I would be a writer. That is what makes life so interesting I think!


D - Okay Jim here’s the last question for you. Tell us something about you that would surprise us.


J - I'm really just a nerd, and one of my secret desires is to be able to speak five or seven languages fluently!


I wanted to thank you Debbie for giving me the opportunity to answer these questions on your page. It was a lot of fun, and some really great questions too! They made me think before I answered them. I am looking forward to the discussion coming up during the month of September. I hope a lot of readers stop by and join our conversation.
Thanks again.

Posted via email from Strategic Book Marketing

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