Thursday, April 29, 2010



Strategic Book Group would like to take a moment to announce the recent release of “Judging the Judges” by author Antonio Lopes to

Getting a book published and out to the public is a daunting task for any author and we would like to help spread the word of these titles as best we can.

Please take a moment to browse through this author’s book information on

Antonio Lopes, Author of “ Judging the Judges”

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

P.S.  Please try to remember to keep all original emails in all of your replies.  Our staff deals with hundreds of people on a daily basis and it makes for easy communication if the email that you are answering/responding to is right there.  It makes things move smoothly, and I know you want that too!!  Thanks.

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous



Strategic Book Group would like to take a moment to announce the recent release of “Person of Interest” by author Ray Barnds to

Getting a book published and out to the public is a daunting task for any author and we would like to help spread the word of these titles as best we can.

Please take a moment to browse through this author’s book information on

Ray Barnds, Author of “Person of Interest”

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

P.S.  Please try to remember to keep all original emails in all of your replies.  Our staff deals with hundreds of people on a daily basis and it makes for easy communication if the email that you are answering/responding to is right there.  It makes things move smoothly, and I know you want that too!!  Thanks.

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous



Strategic Book Group would like to take a moment to announce the recent release of “Sahara To Shame” by author Carol Day to

Getting a book published and out to the public is a daunting task for any author and we would like to help spread the word of these titles as best we can.

Please take a moment to browse through this author’s book information on

Carol Day, Author of “Sahara to Shame”

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Amazon Optimization

-----------------You ALWAYS want to VOTE on Amazon------------------

The thing about Amazon is that they focus hugely on customer satisfaction. They pride themselves on “learning” about their customers and then providing them with information on products that meet their interests.

How do they learn about these interests? By YOUR VOTES and your actions. Writing reviews is one way for Amazon to learn about you as well as your purchasing history.  Books that receive more votes obviously receive more attention from Amazon. This being said whenever an Amazon User creates a review for your book you want to click the YES button when it asks “Was this review helpful”.

Give Amazon feedback wherever you can. Below is a list of all the places you need to be voting. You do not have to run out and vote on a million things but make a mental note in the future whenever you see a Listmania or read a review to click the YES button for if this was helpful or not.


Here is where you need to focus your attention:

1.)     Reviews for your book
2.)     Reviews you have read and you like
3.)     Listmanias
4.)     So You’d Like To….Guides
5.)     Rate This Item to Improve Your Recommendations
6.)     Pictures
7.)     Any/All Searches you conduct on Amazon- let them know if the book you are looking for is there or not.

Amazon feed’s off of your actions so be direct and tell them. Vote everywhere.

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

P.S.  Please try to remember to keep all original emails in all of your replies.  Our staff deals with hundreds of people on a daily basis and it makes for easy communication if the email that you are answering/responding to is right there.  It makes things move smoothly, and I know you want that too!!  Thanks.

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Radio Show Compliments

Hey Bev!

Your response to my episode is nothing short of Glorious, Magnificent, Triumphant, and Blessed...and you are a wonderful and awesome host and Radio Manager...I am sure!  Thank You for the perfect use of your own professionalism...and can you tell me of other's responses to the Spot...God Bless and You're Awesome! I am greatly and completely grateful for the opportunity that was made so greatly comfortable by a completely attractive sounding Host/Radio Manager(smile)!

Best Regards,

Kenneth Adrian Ellis
Author: A Kinetic Person's Power
Sub Title: Voice Command Ability

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Introducing Lyn Aldred author of "Neptune's Fingers"

About the Author:
Lyn Aldred has been a Primary School Teacher for many years. She is a pianist, composer and conductor, having taught piano and singing, and directed many Musical Productions. She has also taught Ballet for over 20 years. She began her education in Sydney, Australia and attained a Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood, from Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW. An interest in writing and literature for children grew from her love of reading to her students. These days, writing takes up the majority of her time. She lives on Sydney's Northern Beaches.

About Neptune's Fingers:

Who is this mysterious boy Jack saw at the sand spit the day he nearly drowned? Why is Jack up the main mast on a sailing ship instead of on his friend's trawler? Jack, the lighthouse keeper's son at Neptune's Fingers, during the Great Depression, is about to find out as he is taken out of his time to experience the last days of The Kestrel, the ship whose spine is impaled on the rocks near his home. He learns more than he bargains for on board--his own family's history is interwoven with the lives of some of its sailors in a way that changes Jack forever.

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous


Introducing Lyn Aldred author of "Neptune's Fingers"

About the Author:
Lyn Aldred has been a Primary School Teacher for many years. She is a pianist, composer and conductor, having taught piano and singing, and directed many Musical Productions. She has also taught Ballet for over 20 years. She began her education in Sydney, Australia and attained a Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood, from Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW. An interest in writing and literature for children grew from her love of reading to her students. These days, writing takes up the majority of her time. She lives on Sydney's Northern Beaches.

About Neptune's Fingers:

Who is this mysterious boy Jack saw at the sand spit the day he nearly drowned? Why is Jack up the main mast on a sailing ship instead of on his friend's trawler? Jack, the lighthouse keeper's son at Neptune's Fingers, during the Great Depression, is about to find out as he is taken out of his time to experience the last days of The Kestrel, the ship whose spine is impaled on the rocks near his home. He learns more than he bargains for on board--his own family's history is interwoven with the lives of some of its sailors in a way that changes Jack forever.

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Friday, April 16, 2010


Best regards,

Ms. Kait Neese
Marketing Coach
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

Strategic & Eloquent Book Marketing and Publishing is a progressive publisher and marketer of all genres of books from authors around the world. Having published over 1500 top quality books we are constantly seeking new authors and material. Please visit for more information and submission instructions.

Our book marketing company ( offers services such as Kindle conversions, Amazon page optimizations, Author News Releases, Author Video and Author Radio, Coaching and many more innovative book marketing techniques.

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rebuttal for "We Don't Want Your Stinkin' Self-Published Books"

Here is a rebuttal if you are ever turned down for a review or service because they label you as 'self-published'.   This is written from a publishers viewpoint.

To Whom it May Concern:

Please reconsider labeling our client as a self-published author.  Our clients are NOT self-published.

And what does that even mean anymore? Furthermore, I ask you to define "traditional publishing" in today's marketplace. Just because our name isn't Random House, doesn't mean we are a self-publishing house.  And, by reading the web, do you really think you can determine what underlies the publishing agreement that we have with our client?

If we need to take this further to your management we are happy to do so, but it appears that your set of definitions is outmoded and holding back our mutual interests.

If you have any further questions please feel free to email me. We hope you will review this book based on its subject matter and its author and it's quality and our commitment to it as the publisher.

Robert - Group President

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Rebuttal for "We Don't Want Your Stinkin' Self-Published Books"

Here is a rebuttal if you are ever turned down for a review or service because they label you as 'self-published'.   This is written from a publishers viewpoint.

To Whom it May Concern:

Please reconsider labeling our client as a self-published author.  Our clients are NOT self-published.

And what does that even mean anymore? Furthermore, I ask you to define "traditional publishing" in today's marketplace. Just because our name isn't Random House, doesn't mean we are a self-publishing house.  And, by reading the web, do you really think you can determine what underlies the publishing agreement that we have with our client?

If we need to take this further to your management we are happy to do so, but it appears that your set of definitions is outmoded and holding back our mutual interests.

If you have any further questions please feel free to email me. We hope you will review this book based on its subject matter and its author and it's quality and our commitment to it as the publisher.

Robert - Group President

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Authors Around The World

Authors Around The World,

If you have not done so already, I would like you to follow the link bellow and create an "Author's Page". Every author should do this and I am surprised the majority have not. It helps give your potential buyers more insight as to who you are.

Once you have created your unique author page, I would like for you to continue your efforts and utilize all of the tools it makes available for you.

1. First and foremost create a biography for yourself, you should by now already have one on hand, so it is a simple "copy and paste".

2.  It is most beneficial to upload a picture of yourself as well. Please do this. I can not stress this point enough.

3. Select the "Book" tab at the top of the screen and double check all of your books are listed here. Please make sure all versions of your book are loaded here. For instance, if you have a hardcover version and a paperback version, make sure both appear here. Simply click the yellow "add more books" button to upload any and all of your works.

4. If you have a blog, personal or professional, Amazon allows you to link it to your Author's page. Once your author's page has been activated you will be able to add an RSS feed here. Simply follow the instructions under that "Blog" tab once your account has been activated. Your blog posts will appear on your Author Page in just a few hours and subsequent posts you make to your blog will automatically appear on the Author Page. If you are not yet blogging, you can either start a new one using any of the free blogging platforms (such as Blogger, Livejournal or TypePad) or use Amazon's simple blogging tools. To access these tools, click on "Create New Post”. New posts will appear on your Author Page within an hour. BLOGGING IS CRUCIAL, if you are able please set this up as soon as possible. If you do not have a blog, please start one here.

5. Amazon also allows you the option to upload a video. If you have one of you at a book signing or of like nature please upload it. Any video pertaining to your book can be uploaded here. You must have the video file in order to upload. A link to a site containing the video will not work. Please note Amazon only allows for one video to be posted at a time.

6. Last is the "Event" tab. This helps to spread the word about upcoming events for your book, such as a local book signing. Please post any and all events pertaining to your book here for they will not only show up on Amazon but on their partner site,,  as well.

Author Central is a great tool to take advantage of. Please take the time to make yours as in-depth as possible.

You should have the following- author bio, picture, list of all books written by you, blog setup, video, event list.
Hope to see your complete author pages soon!

Best Wishes,

Kait-Amazon Optimization

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

P.S.  Please try to remember to keep all original emails in all of your replies.  Our staff deals with hundreds of people on a daily basis and it makes for easy communication if the email that you are answering/responding to is right there.  It makes things move smoothly, and I know you want that too!!  Thanks.

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

Authors Around The World

Authors Around The World,

If you have not done so already, I would like you to follow the link bellow and create an "Author's Page". Every author should do this and I am surprised the majority have not. It helps give your potential buyers more insight as to who you are.

Once you have created your unique author page, I would like for you to continue your efforts and utilize all of the tools it makes available for you.

1. First and foremost create a biography for yourself, you should by now already have one on hand, so it is a simple "copy and paste".

2.  It is most beneficial to upload a picture of yourself as well. Please do this. I can not stress this point enough.

3. Select the "Book" tab at the top of the screen and double check all of your books are listed here. Please make sure all versions of your book are loaded here. For instance, if you have a hardcover version and a paperback version, make sure both appear here. Simply click the yellow "add more books" button to upload any and all of your works.

4. If you have a blog, personal or professional, Amazon allows you to link it to your Author's page. Once your author's page has been activated you will be able to add an RSS feed here. Simply follow the instructions under that "Blog" tab once your account has been activated. Your blog posts will appear on your Author Page in just a few hours and subsequent posts you make to your blog will automatically appear on the Author Page. If you are not yet blogging, you can either start a new one using any of the free blogging platforms (such as Blogger, Livejournal or TypePad) or use Amazon's simple blogging tools. To access these tools, click on "Create New Post”. New posts will appear on your Author Page within an hour. BLOGGING IS CRUCIAL, if you are able please set this up as soon as possible. If you do not have a blog, please start one here.

5. Amazon also allows you the option to upload a video. If you have one of you at a book signing or of like nature please upload it. Any video pertaining to your book can be uploaded here. You must have the video file in order to upload. A link to a site containing the video will not work. Please note Amazon only allows for one video to be posted at a time.

6. Last is the "Event" tab. This helps to spread the word about upcoming events for your book, such as a local book signing. Please post any and all events pertaining to your book here for they will not only show up on Amazon but on their partner site,,  as well.

Author Central is a great tool to take advantage of. Please take the time to make yours as in-depth as possible.

You should have the following- author bio, picture, list of all books written by you, blog setup, video, event list.
Hope to see your complete author pages soon!

Best Wishes,

Kait-Amazon Optimization

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

P.S.  Please try to remember to keep all original emails in all of your replies.  Our staff deals with hundreds of people on a daily basis and it makes for easy communication if the email that you are answering/responding to is right there.  It makes things move smoothly, and I know you want that too!!  Thanks.

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous