Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Amazon Optimization

-----------------You ALWAYS want to VOTE on Amazon------------------

The thing about Amazon is that they focus hugely on customer satisfaction. They pride themselves on “learning” about their customers and then providing them with information on products that meet their interests.

How do they learn about these interests? By YOUR VOTES and your actions. Writing reviews is one way for Amazon to learn about you as well as your purchasing history.  Books that receive more votes obviously receive more attention from Amazon. This being said whenever an Amazon User creates a review for your book you want to click the YES button when it asks “Was this review helpful”.

Give Amazon feedback wherever you can. Below is a list of all the places you need to be voting. You do not have to run out and vote on a million things but make a mental note in the future whenever you see a Listmania or read a review to click the YES button for if this was helpful or not.


Here is where you need to focus your attention:

1.)     Reviews for your book
2.)     Reviews you have read and you like
3.)     Listmanias
4.)     So You’d Like To….Guides
5.)     Rate This Item to Improve Your Recommendations
6.)     Pictures
7.)     Any/All Searches you conduct on Amazon- let them know if the book you are looking for is there or not.

Amazon feed’s off of your actions so be direct and tell them. Vote everywhere.

Best Wishes,
Amazon Optimization
Strategic Book Group
Strategic & Eloquent Books

P.S.  Please try to remember to keep all original emails in all of your replies.  Our staff deals with hundreds of people on a daily basis and it makes for easy communication if the email that you are answering/responding to is right there.  It makes things move smoothly, and I know you want that too!!  Thanks.

Posted via email from strategicbookmarketing's posterous

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